Soljelada (Sol)
Sol is our beautiful Palomino stallion. He's one of the sweetest horses at the rescue- he even knows how to give kisses! He's the father of Kyle, and she definitely gets some of her strong personality from him!

Daisy came to us from some friends that wanted to thin their herd. She is 13 and learning how to wear a saddle and have a rider. Our littlest visitors really love her.

Part one of the Dynamic Duo (or Awesome Twosome depending on whom you ask), Katie is a sweetheart with an attitude. She knows what she wants, and she knows she has her boyfriend Drummer to back her up. The two are rarely apart, so if you're with Katie, expect to have Drummer right there next to you.

Marco is our barn manager. He makes sure our excess mice and other varmits are kept under control.

Gypsy is our oldest horse at the rescue at 29 years old, but don't let her age fool you! She is full of spunk and life, and loves attention. If you're grooming one of our other horses, and Gypsy sees, she might just push her way between the two of you as a "hint" to what she wants! She's also the mother of Kyle, and we know where her daughter gets her beautiful coat from!

Buddy came to us from a farm near Norfolk when he was 2. He is trained to ride and is very popular with all the little ones that come to visit. His favorite treat are carrots.

Drummer, part two of the Dynamic Duocame to us a couple of summers ago. He is one of Gypsy’s babies that we sold years ago and got back. Also a gentle sweetheart.

We have a dozen or so free range chickens here at Urban Acres.